
Stay up to date with IQOS


Share the most refined IQOS experience!

Share your IQOS experience with your adult smoking friends and you both get rewarded.


Getting ready for a trip?

At Larnaca & Paphos Airports Duty Free, you can always find all tobacco stick blends, for your last minute shopping!


Summer 2024: Protect your IQOS ILUMA device

Below, we provide some tips that will be useful to protect your device from the heat and humidity that we experience during the very hot summer period.


IGOS, IQUOS, ICOS, IQO, or AIKOS; How to pronounce and spell correctly IQOS.

Demystifying IQOS Pronunciation - How to Say & Spell It Right


Discover IQOS ILUMA series - the newest IQOS device

The new IQOS ILUMA series is here!


Smell of cigarettes VS smoke-free alternatives

IQOS heated tobacco devices do not expose others to the smell of smoke.


VEEV NOW: Recycle now!

Find out how you can return your used VEEV NOW devices for recycling.


Now is the time to share your lil SOLID experience!

With your lil SOLID, you left cigarettes behind. It’s time to help your adult smoking friends make the first step too, with a unique offer!


Can you vape on a plane?

Where and when can you use your vape device while travelling?


Vaping vs Smoking: What are their differences?

With the several alternatives to cigarettes that are available in the market, adult smokers must have heard of e-cigarettes and vaping. What may concern a lot of these people, is the difference between vaping and smoking and whether vaping is safe.


New IQOS ILUMA STARDRIFT Limited Edition: Out of this world!

Our new limited edition experience is here to take you on a journey to the constellations above us!


The new limited edition experience brings double rewards for everyone

During these holidays, give your adult smoker friends the chance to leave cigarettes behind with a limited edition device that is out of this world!


New lil SOLID Ez: Simple, affordable and refreshed

Discover lil SOLID Ez: Our simple to use, all-in-one heated tobacco device. Simple, affordable and refreshed.