
See you on Viber!

Viber chat bot: Our brand new support channel

IQOS CARE team is by your side through one more support channel. Our new Viber chat bot is ready to answer all your questions about IQOS and how it works.

What does IQOS Viber chat bot offer?

In our new chat bot, you can find information about IQOS and lil SOLID devices, the science behind them, how they work, troubleshooting advice and many more. In addition, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can chat with an IQOS Expert directly through the chat bot.

The benefits of Viber chat bot:

  • Always ready for instant and quick support
  • Available any time you need it
  • Up-to-date and easy to use

  • Follow our official account

    Viber Chat Bot


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